Inspired by true events, Seal Team VI tells the heroic saga and the heart wrenching drama behind the Team's black ops incursion into Iraq four days prior to Operation: Desert Storm, and the harrowing consequences they ultimately face when their mission is suddenly compromised.
Zach McGowan (Shameless), Ken Gamble, Jeremy Davis, Kristoffer Garrison
Action, War/Military
RUNTIME: (99 Min)
Mark C. Andrews
Four Minute Mile Productions , Gamble Entertainment Group, Ken Gamble, Jeremy Davis, Zach McGowan
YEAR: 2009
RELEASE DATE: 01/01/2009
HD & 5.1
Not to be confused with a sequel, SEAL Team VI is the most elite of the 12 SEAL Teams in the US Navy and Special Forces. Inspired by actual events: When the Commander of SEAL Team VI suffers from a recent family tragedy. The unresolved issues in his personal life jeopardize his team on their latest mission – “SEAL TEAM VI” tells the heroic saga of and the heart wrenching drama behind the Teams “black ops” incursion into Iraq four days prior to Operation: Desert Storm, and, the harrowing consequences they ultimately faced when their mission was suddenly compromised.