South Beach Shark Club

In 1970s Miami Beach, a group of teenage outcasts bond together on a rocky sport fishing pier, one-upping each other for bragging rights to the biggest shark catch of all time. Endless summers of surfing and skating turn to a deadly real life "Jaws" story that ultimately reminds us that sport and craft can be the cornerstone to teach others life lessons bigger than fishing.

Starring: Rene De Dios, James “JD Hammer” Fuqua, Shannon Bustamante, William Fundora, Albert Poledri, Jorge Ramos, Kevin Pagan

Directed By: Robert Requejo Ramos

Produced By: Robert Requejo Ramos, Pedro Gomez

Genre(s): Sports, * New Releases


Runtime: (104 Min), YEAR: 2023

Eating Our Way to Extinction

Narrated by Kate Winslet, this entertaining and alarming documentary will challenge the way you look at the food industry. What is the true cost of food? Who pays the price? Featuring shocking undercover footage, commentary from some of the world’s best-known personalities, and poignant first-hand accounts from indigenous people, this one-of-a-kind documentary will permanently change your perception of food and its critical connection to the future of our planet.

Starring: Narrated by Academy Award® Winner Kate Winslet, Richard Branson (Billionaire, founder of Virgin Group), Tony Robbins (Life and Business Strategist)

Directed By: Ludo Brockway, Otto Brockway

Produced By: Ludo Brockway, Mark Galvin, Kian Tavakkoli

Genre(s): 4K, Environmental, * New Releases

FORMAT: 4K/ HD & 5.1

Runtime: (82 Min), YEAR: 2022

Why On Earth

Travel the globe to experience the vital connection between humans, animals, and our planet through stunning, rarely before seen footage which exposes the effects that deforestation and the illegal trade of threatened and endangered species have on elephants, lions, sharks, orangutans, and more. By caring for these beautiful animals, we begin a healing process that will eventually help us all.

Starring: Clint Eastwood (Actor, Director, Animal Wellfare Advocate), John Salley (former NBA star),  Maggie Q, Kristin Baurer, Shannon Elizabeth, Dan Richardson, Damien Mander (International Anti-Poaching Foundation), Dr. Birute Mary Galdikas (Orangutan Foundaton), Alison Towner (Marine Biologist), and many others.

Directed By: Katie Cleary

Produced By: Katie Cleary

Genre(s): * New Releases, Environmental, 4K

FORMAT: 4K/ HD & 5.1

Runtime: (75 Min), YEAR: 2022


The power of love shines in this heart-warming tale of friendship and inspiration between an unlikely duo. Cheryl inadvertently befriends a mourning goose, Honk, while recycling in the local park. As the budding friendship blossoms and Cheryl seeks Honk a new home, he becomes a viral sensation capturing the hearts and minds of millions

Starring: Cheryl Allison (No Letting Go), Kathy Rogers, Mary Beth Purdy, Rusty Gragsone

Directed By: Cheryl Allison

Produced By: Cheryl Allison

Genre(s): Nature, * New Releases


Runtime: (47 Min), YEAR: 2022

Hot Money

Confused by the economy, derivatives, cost of energy, and taxes? You are not alone. Untangle the realities of the global financial system and its relationship to government, politics and climate change with all the humor of a New Yorker cartoon. DON’T GET BURNED, JOIN THE CONVERSATION.

Starring: General Wesley Clark (Global Security and Energy Consultant), Wes Clark Jr (Wind Energy Project Manager), Katharina Pistor (Director Columbia Law School's Center on Global Legal Transformation), Jeff Bridges (Academy Award winning actor), and Kaamran Hafeez (New Yorker cartoonist)

Directed By: Susan Kucera

Produced By: Jim Swift, Susan Kucera

Genre(s): Current Affairs, Environmental, 4K, * New Releases

FORMAT: 4K/ HD & 5.1

Runtime: (120 Min), YEAR: 2021

Magical Reef: The Islands of the Four Kings

Deep beneath the sun-kissed waves of Indonesia’s islands lies a secret underwater paradise of coral reefs. Full of strange shapes, vibrant colors, and elegant beauty, these reefs contain some of the most exotic and incredible species of fish and sea life in the world. Travel to this watery wonderland and witness spectacles of elegance and unique beauty which make Raja Ampat so incomparable.

Directed By: Stephan Stahl

Produced By: Stephan Stahl

Genre(s): Nature


Runtime: (50 Min), YEAR: 2020

Long Gone Wild

The killer whale is once again under siege, hunted for sale into the exploding marine theme park industry. An in-depth look at the case against captivity, the Whale Sanctuary Project, and covert missions in search of orcas held captive.

Directed By: Bill Neal

Produced By: Bill Neal, Rachel Weil

Genre(s): Environmental, 4K, * New Releases

FORMAT: 4K/ HD & 5.1

Runtime: (83 Min), YEAR: 2019

Our Nature: Call of the Wild

Earth is home to over 1.6 Million known animal species, each playing a role in the symbiotic beauty of nature. Explore the many species of birds, wildcats, fish, elephants, whales, and more which live on this big blue planet we call home.

Directed By: Johannes Guttenkunst, Timo Joh Mayer

Produced By: Timo Joh Mayer

Genre(s): Nature, 4K


Runtime: (55 Min), YEAR: 2019

Sharks: Monster of the Media

Dive into the world of sharks. Coined as monsters by the media, experience these behemoth majestic creatures in their natural habitat and learn about the threat of extinction to nearly one in four shark species and why they need our help.

Starring: Dr. Erich Ritter (Behavioral Ecologist and professional applied shark/human interaction specialist)

Directed By: Timo Joh Mayer

Produced By: Benjamin Eicher, Timo Joh Mayer

Genre(s): Nature


Runtime: (55 Min), YEAR: 2019

Living In The Future's Past

Jeff Bridges shares the screen with scientists and profound thinkers going beyond politics and borders to look under the hood of humanity, revealing eye-opening concepts about ourselves and our past, providing the keys to a better future.

Starring: Hosted by Jeff Bridges, Features interviews with Dr. Piers Sellers (Director of the Earth Science Division at NASA, Meteorologist and Astronaut), Wesley Clark (General, US Army (ret.), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander), Oren Lyons (Environmental activist and Professor of American Studies), Dr. Timothy Morton (Philosopher and Author,’Humankind’ and ‘Dark Ecology’ , Rice University, Texas), Bob Inglis (Former (R) Congressman, South Carolina, Founder Enterprise and Energy Initiative), Dr. Rich Pancost (Professor of Biogeochemistry, Director of the Cabot Institute, University of Bristol, UK), Dr. Ruth Gates (Marine Biologist, Director, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa), Dr. Renee Lertzman (Behavioural Psychologist, Author, ‘Environmental Melancholia’), Dr. Leonard Mlodinow (Physicist and Author, ‘The Upright Thinkers’), Dr. Bruce Hood (Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Bristol UK, Author, ‘The Self Illusion’), Dr. Mark Plotkin (Ethnobotanist, Amazon Conservation Team President), Dr. Thomas Metzinger (Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Author, ‘The Ego Tunnel’, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)

Directed By: Susan Kucera

Produced By: Jeff Bridges

Genre(s): Environmental, Current Affairs, Nature, 4K

FORMAT: 4K/ HD & 5.1

Runtime: (89 Min), YEAR: 2018